Friday, September 17, 2010


New name, new look, new feel (same websight, same author, same topics).

I was bored and needed a change.

...But the picture is HUGE!
I can't seem to get it smaller.
Can anyone help???
I spend my entire lunch break figuring out how to finally resize the picture. Oh well! It's done!

I've been so behind in blogging...and I'm not gonna catch up this weekend.

Off to see Dave Matthews at Wrigley Field tonight and then to Dallas for a long weekend to cheer on the Bears with my hubby!

What are your weekend plans???
Whatever you're doing...Enjoy your weekend!!!


  1. Jen! thanks for your sweet comment! i really love following your blog as well! you inspire me in so many ways!

    have a great weekend...way more fun than what I am doing:)

  2. I love it!! Can you come over to my site and redesign it? I need it. Buh :-(

    Have fun traveling!!

  3. i'm honored to be known as your blog stalker!!! :) love the new look!! hope you're having a great time in TX and we'll see you on monday....

  4. love the blog's new name and look! miss you....

  5. love the new layout, friend!!!

    missing you. happy monday!

  6. If you update your blog to the new editor it should have something that pops up underneath it for resizing :) CUTE BLOG BY THE WAY!

  7. Thanks for the nice comments everyone.
    I'm glad you all like it.
    I just needed a change! :)
