Tuesday, August 23, 2011


A few months ago I hit the wall of Diabetes Burn-out.
I stopped blogging about Diabetes and I stopped reading other blogs about Diabetes.

I wasn't depressed and I functioned just fine. My #'s weren't out of control and I was still taking care of myself.

But for some reason, I didn't want to blog or read about Diabetes.

I just needed a little break.

While my Google Reader filled up with unread posts from the DOC, I slowly gained a new perspective.

I began experimenting with a more RAW and VEGAN diet, my a1c came down, I took part in Diabetes Support Groups, and somehow Diabetes didn't seem like such a big deal.
So here I am with a CLEAN START, ready to continue sharing about my journey with Diabetes again.

This blog is still a work in progress, but I'm hoping to be more consistent this time!!!
All the content from my La Dolce Vita blog has been transferred over and I'll eventually delete that link.

Sign up for email alerts,
follow me via Google Friend/Connect,
add me to your Google Reader, or
periodically check in here.

It's good to be back...thanks for your patience while I was gone.


  1. whoo hoo!!! since i still don't use google reader i was pleasantly surprised to see some new posts!! you go girl!

    i can't wait to read about your struggles/successes/stories w/ diabetes and life in general. hope that doesn't sound too weird....

    luv ya!

  2. Not weird at all Grace!
    Thanks for always being a faithful reader :)
    Love ya!
